こ の ス タ ン プ の デ ザ イ ン は 空 い た 部 分 に 、自 分 で 絵 を 書 き 足 す こ と に よ っ て 完 成 す る と こ ろ が 面 白 く 、ア イ デ ア 次 第 で も っ と 広 が り が で き る で し ょ う 。難 し い 手 の 部 分 は も う 完 成 し て い ま す の で 、書 き 足 す 部 分 に 、何 を 持 た せ ま し ょ う 。プ レ ゼ ン ト や 筆 記 具 な ど あ な た の 思 い つ く 面 白いアイデアを描いて。素敵なスタンプを完成させてください。 スタンプは押印する方向も角度も決まっていませんのでバッグを持たせたり、角度を変えるとカップを持たせることもできます。両手を一緒 に使用するパターンも面白いですね。また、ふせんを先に貼ってから、スタンプを押すと、本当に紙を持っているような感じになります。 こ の ス タ ン プ は 想 像 力 を 刺 激 し て く れ ま す 。面 白 い デ ザ イ ン が で き た な ら 、す ぐ に で も 誰 か に 見 せ た い で す ね 。文 字 で 伝 え に く い メ ッ セ ー ジ はHandy Stampを使って伝えてみてください。 At hand, at first glance, it is no different from a general gesture-themed seal, but a closer look reveals that the gestures of the seals always have a lack of mouth and discontinuous lines. This is not a flaw in the production, nor is it not covered when stamping, but a special design with a hand seal.
holding an item in your hand - for example, holding a pen or holding a cup, there are actually some hands that are obscured by objects and cannot be seen. This should have been known to anyone who has painted. For people who often draw pictures, this may not be difficult for him, but for ordinary people, this is not the case. Therefore, our master seal will pre-empt the space where the arm is covered when the item is taken. The empty place allows you to freely create your creativity, draw any item, and form a very complete illustration.
first step is to develop four common gestures (additional gestures will be added). In the case of grip, you can simply draw a pen, add a paragraph of text, and write it on a small card. A warm thank you card.
"Today's holiday, if you want to practice coffee at home", you can use another grip of the grip to stamp on the PDA, and then simply draw a hand and rush the pot to remind yourself. Or you can draw a small gift bag, it seems to be a hand-held feeling, and then write a text is a lovely gift card. Have you noticed here, even if it is the same seal, but the direction of the stamp is different, it can give different meanings, there are many possibilities for the seal!
Both apps are the same stamp, but the stamping angle is different.
’s fun to play with just a single stamp, and the combination of the two stamps is more fun! In this example (B + C models), the two hands respectfully handed a piece of paper with the words of the letter, and the other party should be happy to help after the smile!
The application of the signature seal is unlimited. In this part, I will leave it to you. We will not introduce the example. However, in the current direction given, we will be able to develop more eye-catching usages. I believe that you can use it more and more!
こ の ス タ ン プ は 想 像 力 を 刺 激 し て く れ ま す 。面 白 い デ ザ イ ン が で き た な ら 、す ぐ に で も 誰 か に 見 せ た い で す ね 。文 字 で 伝 え に く い メ ッ セ ー ジ はHandy Stampを使って伝えてみてください。
At hand, at first glance, it is no different from a general gesture-themed seal, but a closer look reveals that the gestures of the seals always have a lack of mouth and discontinuous lines. This is not a flaw in the production, nor is it not covered when stamping, but a special design with a hand seal.
holding an item in your hand - for example, holding a pen or holding a cup, there are actually some hands that are obscured by objects and cannot be seen. This should have been known to anyone who has painted. For people who often draw pictures, this may not be difficult for him, but for ordinary people, this is not the case. Therefore, our master seal will pre-empt the space where the arm is covered when the item is taken. The empty place allows you to freely create your creativity, draw any item, and form a very complete illustration.
first step is to develop four common gestures (additional gestures will be added). In the case of grip, you can simply draw a pen, add a paragraph of text, and write it on a small card. A warm thank you card.
"Today's holiday, if you want to practice coffee at home", you can use another grip of the grip to stamp on the PDA, and then simply draw a hand and rush the pot to remind yourself. Or you can draw a small gift bag, it seems to be a hand-held feeling, and then write a text is a lovely gift card. Have you noticed here, even if it is the same seal, but the direction of the stamp is different, it can give different meanings, there are many possibilities for the seal!
Both apps are the same stamp, but the stamping angle is different.
’s fun to play with just a single stamp, and the combination of the two stamps is more fun! In this example (B + C models), the two hands respectfully handed a piece of paper with the words of the letter, and the other party should be happy to help after the smile!
The application of the signature seal is unlimited. In this part, I will leave it to you. We will not introduce the example. However, in the current direction given, we will be able to develop more eye-catching usages. I believe that you can use it more and more!
Stamp size: 2cm x1.3cm x 4.5cm, made in Taiwan