This is a fairy tale world that tells the story of the present Between Dreams and Reality What were looking for is If my thoughts reach you So be it If my thoughts reach you So be it No matter how you are or what you are If my thoughts reach you So be it
夢と現実のはざまで 私たちが追い求めているものは
私の思いが届くなら それでいい
私の思いが届くなら それでいい
私の思いが届くなら それでいい
This is a fairy tale world that tells the story of the present
Between Dreams and Reality What were looking for is
If my thoughts reach you So be it
If my thoughts reach you So be it
No matter how you are or what you are
If my thoughts reach you So be it
画材:「版画用ポストカード用紙」 「水性シルクスクリーン絵の具」
This work is packed by thick envelope so as not to bend handmade postcards.
Engraving materials
「postcard sheet for silkscreen」 「water paint for silkscreen」
※This postcard doesnt come with a frame.